Welcome REU student- Riley!
03 Jun 2024 by richa

Welcome to Riley Grimes, who will spend this summer in our lab as part of the NSF funded REU program on Molecular Biology and Genetics of Cell Signaling!

EYH outreach workshop
06 Apr 2024 by richa

Lab organized another fantastic outreach STEM workshop for 7th and 8th grade girls as part of the ‘Expand Your Horizons (EYH)’ program this year on the concepts of microscopy and exploring the world beyond what our eyes can see! Kudos to Jade for leading the effort!

Jade presents at TAGC
08 Mar 2024 by richa

Congratulations to Jade for presenting her research at the TAGC meeting 2024!

Julia awarded CVM graduate fellowship!
12 Dec 2023 by richa

Congratulations to Julia for being awarded the CVM graduate fellowship for her research! Kudos!

Lab's R35 grant on CVM media!
11 Sep 2023 by richa
Julia and Jade present at NERY
28 Jul 2023 by richa

Congratulations to Julia and Jade for giving beautiful research presentations on their work at the NERY meeting 2023!

Julia is a PhD candidate!
07 Jul 2023 by richa

We have another PhD candidate in the lab! Julia passed her A exam with flying colors! Congratulations Julia - so proud!

Lab's 1st NIH grant!
03 Jul 2023 by richa

Woohoo!! Lab’s first extramural grant!!! Lab was awarded the R35 MIRA grant from the NIH for 5 years.

Jade is a PhD candidate!
28 Jun 2023 by richa

Jade passed her A exam! Congratulations Jade - proud of you! Yay, the first PhD candidate in Sardana lab!

Richa gave the departmental seminar in NYU
03 Apr 2023 by richa

Richa gave an invited seminar on Membrane proteostasis mechanisms in the Department of Biology at NYU. It was fantastic talking about our research and interacting with students and faculty.

EYH outreach workshop
01 Apr 2023 by richa

Our lab led a fantastic outreach STEM workshop for 9th grade girls as part of the ‘Expand Your Horizons (EYH)’ program on the concepts of microscopy, building foldscopes, and exploring the world beyond what our eyes can see! Bravo all, especially Julia, for leading the effort!

CVM spotlight on Richa
11 Feb 2023 by richa
Beth graduates
18 Dec 2022 by richa

So proud of Beth for graduating from Cornell with high honors! Beth was one of the first undergraduate students that joined the lab. She is off to Puerto Rico on to her next adventure. Wish you all the very best, Beth!

A year and more
01 Nov 2022 by richa

The lab turned one! Time flew by, and so much has happened! So proud of all the awesome scientists that make the lab a fun place to work!

Sardana lab pumpkins
17 Oct 2022 by richa

Had a fun time painting pumpkins and marking milestones at the annual Molecular Medicine Halloween party!

Lab hosts the McClintock Life Science lecture at Cornell
21 Sep 2022 by richa

Sardana lab had a blast hosting Dr. Manu Prakash from Stanford for the Barbara McClintock Life Science Lecture and Foldscope workshop at Cornell!

Julia's lab coat ceremony
16 Aug 2022 by richa

Julia participates in the 1st Annual Biomedical & Biological Sciences(BBS)Lab Coat Ceremony as part of the 21st Annual BBS Symposium. Congratulations Julia, and welcome!

Lab attends Weill retreat
09 Aug 2022 by richa

Enjoyed attending our lab’s first scientific retreat as a group- Weill retreat at Greek Peak!

Jade and Julia join the group
06 May 2022 by richa

Excited to have Jade and Julia as the pioneer graduate students of the lab. Welcome to the lab!!

Sumanth joins the group
11 Apr 2022 by richa

Sumanth joins as the lab’s first brave postdoc! Welcome to the group, Sumanth!

06 Apr 2022 by richa

Congratulations to Julia for the Honorable mention on her NSF GRFP application! Jade’s started her rotation in the lab, welcome Jade!

Happy folks
11 Feb 2022 by richa

Bye Julia- enjoy your next rotation! Welcome, Sam and Anna! Welcome back, Beth and Chris! So glad to work with you guys.

Beth wins award
12 Dec 2021 by richa

Beth was named a winner of “Exceptional Explanation” in the life sciences category at the Fall 2021 Cornell Undergraduate Research Symposium- Kudos Beth!!

First lab celebration
08 Dec 2021 by richa

Many reasons to celebrate: The lab is one month old. Ashley is graduating and is off to NYC (Good luck Ashley!). Beth is wrapping up another fantastic semester. Julia just started her 2nd lab rotation with us.

First Sardana lab paper
17 Nov 2021 by richa

Our paper on the role of Erd1 in Golgi recycling is accepted for publication in eLife!! Congratulations to all the authors!

Sardana lab doors open
01 Nov 2021 by richa

Excited to embark on this new journey. Looking for interested students and postdocs to join our team!. Original ‘we believe’ Poster credit: Sammy Katta.